Have you ever received a page for a search or a rescue that you thought was going to be pretty burley? You get your pack together; grab some high calorie food and water jump in the car and head to the trailhead. On the way, you down the high calorie foods and slug as much water as your stomach can hold knowing that you will burn the calories and need the hydration. You arrive at the trailhead with your bladder about to burst, sign-in and jump behind a tree to do some quick business. After a couple of minutes getting your boots on, appropriate gear ready and team assigned you are ready to head up the trail only to hear over the radio that the subject just walked out of his campsite wondering what all the fuss was about.
For the most part this is actually great news. The subject was found quickly and you have averted untold hours in adverse weather conditions searching for someone. The downside is that you’ve consumed all this high calorie food that you were expecting to burn off over the expected search/rescue. Now as you drive home you begin wondering how are you going to burn off these calories.
This was my experience today and with temperatures in the teens and 10 inches of new snow, I decided that I better eat an extra bar since a search today would be pretty strenuous. Fortunately, our subject was found rather quickly given the conditions. I suppose it could have been worse had we spent all day and night searching only to learn that instead of going for the hike the subject told his wife about, he decided to head to the local watering hole.
Oh well, I guess I’ll do a few more reps at the gym tomorrow.
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