Saturday, October 23, 2010

Need to figure out what food to take in my pack

I was recently at a safety fair for a local company where they had various "safety" agencies. One of the booths was for fitness, blood pressure and measure fat. Since I wasn't getting much interest in my booth filled with rescue equipment, I strolled over to the fitness booth. I talked with one of the personal trainers about the types of foods I should be carrying in my pack. I pulled my food back out of my pack and reviewed the contents.
  • a couple Power Bar gels
  • Cliff Bar shot blocks
  • Snickers bar
The personal trainer gave a bit of a groan and then gave me a look. I gave a curious look back, "What" not nutritious enough? Apparently the foods I had in my pack are basic sugars that will last me for a while, but will then burn out quickly. The trainer mentioned a couple of things to consider like coconut water (yeah, coconut water). I've never heard of it, but I'd be willing to give it a try. We then got interrupted by attendees and I didn't get a chance to talk with the trainer more, but I've got their email and plan to find out more on the ideal foods.

The whole conversation got me thinking about what to carry in my food back for hiking and climbing. I've typically been find with Pilot Bread (big saltine crackers w/o the salt), chocolate and a Cliff Bar or Odwalla bar. I plan to find out more from the trainer and figure out what to do next.

If you have any favorite hiking foods please let me know.

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